Podiatrist Kew: Signs Its Time to See a Podiatrist

Taking care of our feet is essential for maintaining overall well-being. When foot problems arise, seeking the expertise of a podiatrist becomes crucial. If you reside in Kew or the surrounding area and are experiencing discomfort, it may be time to consult a podiatrist. In this article, we will explore common signs that indicate it’s time to see a podiatrist Kew. By recognising these signs, you can take proactive steps to address any foot-related issues and improve your quality of life.

Podiatrist Kew

Here’s the sign you need to see podiatrist near you

  1. Foot Pain or Discomfort – Persistent foot pain or discomfort is a clear indication that a visit to a podiatrist is necessary. Whether you’re experiencing sharp pain, aching, or throbbing sensations, it’s important not to ignore these symptoms. Foot pain can be caused by a variety of conditions, including plantar fasciitis, bunions, arthritis, or injuries. A podiatrist can accurately diagnose the underlying cause of your pain and recommend appropriate treatment options.
  2. Difficulty Walking or Running – If you find it increasingly challenging to walk or run due to discomfort or pain in your feet, it’s time to consult a podiatrist. Difficulty with mobility can significantly impact your daily activities and quality of life. A podiatrist will assess your gait, evaluate your foot structure and mechanics, and develop a customised treatment plan to address any issues. They can provide recommendations on proper footwear, orthotics, exercises, or physical therapy to help restore your mobility.
  3. Ingrown Toenails – Ingrown toenails occur when the edge of a nail grows into the surrounding skin, leading to pain, redness, and swelling. If you’re experiencing recurring ingrown toenails, it’s advisable to see a podiatrist. They can provide professional care to treat the ingrown nail and prevent future occurrences. In severe cases, a podiatrist may perform a minor surgical procedure to alleviate the problem.
  4. Fungal Infections – Fungal infections, such as athlete’s foot or toenail fungus, can cause discomfort, itching, and unsightly changes to the affected area. If you’ve tried over-the-counter treatments without success, it’s time to seek the expertise of a podiatrist. They can prescribe stronger antifungal medications, provide guidance on proper foot hygiene practices, and offer advice on preventive measures to avoid future infections.

Diabetic Foot Care

For individuals with diabetes, proper foot care is essential to prevent complications. Diabetes can lead to nerve damage (neuropathy) and reduced blood circulation, increasing the risk of foot ulcers, infections, and other serious conditions. Regular visits to a podiatrist for diabetic foot care are crucial to assess the health of your feet, manage any existing issues, and receive guidance on preventive measures.

When should you refer a patient to a podiatrist?

A patient should be referred to a podiatrist when they present with foot or lower limb conditions that require specialised care beyond the scope of a general practitioner’s expertise. Common situations where a referral to a podiatrist may be appropriate include:

  1. Persistent foot or ankle pain that does not improve with conservative treatments.
  2. Chronic foot or ankle conditions such as plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, or bunions.
  3. Diabetic foot complications or wounds.
  4. Foot and ankle injuries, including sprains, fractures, or sports-related injuries.
  5. Foot deformities, such as hammertoes or flat feet.
  6. Nail disorders, such as ingrown toenails or fungal infections.
  7. Developmental or structural abnormalities in children’s feet.
  8. Arthritis or joint problems affecting the feet.
  9. Gait abnormalities or difficulties with walking or running.
  10. Any other complex or chronic foot and lower limb conditions that require specialised assessment and treatment.

What does a podiatrist do on the first visit?

During the first visit to a podiatrist, several key steps are typically taken to assess the patient’s condition and develop an appropriate treatment plan. These may include:

  1. Medical history evaluation: The podiatrist will review the patient’s medical history, including any previous injuries, surgeries, or existing medical conditions that may impact foot health.
  2. Physical examination: The podiatrist will conduct a thorough physical examination of the feet, ankles, and lower limbs, looking for signs of inflammation, deformities, abnormalities, or other indications of foot problems.
  3. Diagnostic tests: Depending on the specific condition, the podiatrist may order diagnostic tests such as X-rays, ultrasounds, or blood tests to further evaluate the problem and provide an accurate diagnosis.
  4. Discussion of symptoms: The podiatrist will discuss the patient’s symptoms, including the location, intensity, duration, and triggers of pain or discomfort. This information helps in determining the underlying cause of the foot problem.
  5. Treatment plan development: Based on the findings from the examination and diagnostic tests, the podiatrist will develop a customised treatment plan. This may involve various interventions such as medications, physical therapy, orthotic devices, footwear recommendations, or surgical options, depending on the diagnosis and the patient’s specific needs.

Can a podiatrist diagnose a foot problem?

Yes, a podiatrist is a specialised healthcare professional trained to diagnose and treat foot and lower limb problems. They have extensive knowledge and expertise in assessing and identifying various foot conditions and their underlying causes. Podiatrists use a combination of physical examinations, patient history evaluations, and diagnostic tests to diagnose foot problems accurately. Once a diagnosis is made, the podiatrist can recommend appropriate treatment options and provide ongoing care to address the specific foot problem, click here to learn more!

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):

How do I find a reputable podiatrist in Kew?

To find a reputable podiatrist in Kew, you can ask for recommendations from your primary care physician, friends, or family members. You can also search online directories or visit the website of the Australian Podiatry Association for a list of qualified podiatrists in your area.

Do I need a referral to see a podiatrist in Kew?

In most cases, you do not need a referral to see a podiatrist in Kew. However, it’s recommended to check with your private health insurance provider, as some policies may require a referral for coverage.

Can a podiatrist help with sports-related foot injuries?

Yes, podiatrists are experienced in diagnosing and treating sports-related foot injuries. They can provide appropriate treatment options, rehabilitation plans, and preventive measures to help you recover and prevent future injuries.


Paragraph: If you’re experiencing foot pain, difficulty walking or running, ingrown toenails, fungal infections, or require diabetic foot care, it’s time to see a podiatrist in Kew. These signs indicate the need for professional intervention to address the underlying issues and promote foot health. By consulting a podiatrist, you can receive an accurate diagnosis, personalised treatment plans, and expert advice on preventive measures. Don’t let foot problems limit your daily activities—take the first step towards healthier feet by scheduling an appointment with a trusted podiatrist in Kew.